From East Bay Pesticide Alert's Max Ventura
510-895-2312 2399, E. 14th St. #24, San Leandro, CA 94577

KERN COUNTY 2/14/01 661-868-6300 fax: 661-868-6301
1001 South Mt. Vernon Ave., Bakersfield 93307

Spoke with Ag. Commissioner, Ted Davis

M: Is whole county called infested?

T: ½ of county is infested; North ½ is still non-infested, South ½ is infested
High population in Eastern Kern County, in the foothills of the Tehachapi Mountains.
Lighter in the grapevine; rest of valley floor lightly infested.

M: asked about the General Beale Rd. Pilot Project plan.

T: The pilot project is administered by a task force of UC; my office; USDA; CDFA and growers. It's 13,000 acres with a number of different crops. It's mostly citrus and grapes (also cherries; pistachios; alfalfa and others).
-Specific workplan was developed with above. Weather is a big problem…. Snow within 2 weeks of beginning applications (we expect to start spraying as soon as weather permits… either in February or March). Growers will be doing applications on their own property. Beale Rd. area is heavily-infested.
Last year 855 samples. 16 vines had P.D. Since removed. This year they are continuing the surveying. Other growers have sampled and found P.D. and GWSS in and around. Now there's interface between vector and disease. Other impacts, too. Bulk grape movement certification program. Need to be free from GWSS or treated when had GWSS in. Cost to vintners. And in citrus bulk program found GWSS in citrus going to Tulare and Fresno. Had to institute same program as with grapes. Mandatory regulations like bulk grape area.
-Trading partners (such as New Zealand; China; Taiwan, etc.) sending inspectors here to inspect.
Export program is adding work and additional cost to farm planting nurseries.
-Many vines go to Napa/Sonoma and the Central Valley. Directly to farm for planting vs. via Home Depot or some other nursery. Special screening… different than ornamental program. Impact is added cost to production.

M: How many vines being shipped to Sonoma/Napa?

T: 3 commercial programs. 1 outside infested area. Probably tens of thousands of vines. 2 very strong specific kinds… phylloxera-free rootstock.
2 in infested area; 1 in non-infested area:
-Willet and Newcomb (infested area): citrus nursery (no listing)
-Sunridge Nursery (infested area): 661-363-8463 441 Vineland Rd., Bakersfield 93307
-Vintage Nursery (outside infested area): 661-587-1977 (Bakersfield); 661-758-4777 (Wasco)

T: Coordinating with IPM people. IPM is an active part of citrus growing in our area. Working with them for least disruption. We have a list of products satisfactory for knocking out GWSS.

M: What are some of the state ok'd IPM products?

T: Primary ones (least disruptive)are:
-Pyrin (synthetic pyrethroid)
-Baythroid-soft on beneficials THIS time of year (their populations are higher at end of summer)
-barrier products, biorational clay (Surround)
Interface between grapes and citrus and grapes and cherries

-After knockdown treatments we will use Admire (systemic). No decline in beneficials last year. Will be monitoring this year to be sure no decline.
-Organic grape grower used a modified bug sucker machine successfully last year for the GWSS. Will again this year.
(Steve Pavitch (Pavitch and Sons Farms) 661-391-1000 P.O. Box 10420 Terrabella, CA 93270
Quality Control (?): Erik Ecklund 559-782-8700
Mostly organic; some conventional grapes Steve in Arizona this week)
-Goal of the pilot project is to develop strategies.
-AFTER Admire treatments, we will use beneficials. Mexican wasp. Larry Bezark is overseeing. Same genus; different species. Early population crashed.
-Re: Native wasps… negotiating for rearing facility (this for Mexican wasps, too, if not only, Max understands)

Note: again, beneficials again thought of only for after-use.